Breaking News: One Black Person isn’t the Archetype for All Black People.

It has come to my attention over and over again that y’all (racists) seem to think that one black person represents all black people.


Just because four idiotic black people decided to take idiocy to new heights by beating a mentally disabled white teen on Facebook live, doesn’t mean that all black people will do the same, or even condone their behavior. Equally important, just because they were saying Black Lives Matter on camera, that doesn’t mean that they are affiliated with the organization or than the organization condones their behavior. Just in case you were unsure: they don’t. Sorry to burst your bubble, I know you have been trying to discredit BLM since day 1.

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And I know for a FACT that one person representing an entire race is not a difficult concept for y’all to grasp.

Does Dylann Roof ring a bell? Or are all white men planning on murdering nine black church-goers after they pray for them, and then show no remorse for their action during their trial?


How about James Holmes or John Houser? Should I just run to the nearest exit of a movie theater when I see a white male?

You sure?

Timothy McVeigh? Should I be expecting the news to report that all white men have decided to blow up government buildings?

Are you 100% sure?

Eric Belluci? Am I supposed to deduce that all white men kill their parents?

How ’bout now?

Amy Bishop? Should I be expecting to hear the news report that white female professors have shot their colleagues during a department meeting?


Ross Truett Ashley? Cody Cousins? Kenneth Stancil? Steven Jones? Should I just run the other way every time I see a white male at my PWI?

Not plausible?

KKK? Do all white people own white sheets with personalized eye holes and a white dunce cap?

What do you mean this is ridiculous?

Trump? Do all white men have small “hands?” Well, there is that one belief. . .


But, no.

For some reason (we know why), white people get the benefit of the doubt. They have the fortune of being treated like humans, and not subhumans because of what other white people have done. While, black people get treated like they committed a crime when we were just minding our business and Muslims get treated like terrorists, because of the actions of extremists. Meanwhile, white people are in the process of turning this country upside down and are expected to be treated with respect, but act like they don’t know how to give respect.

Here’s three words of advice: The Golden Rule. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

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