On Friday Night Tykes

A year or two ago, I was put on to the television series, Friday Night Tykes. The Friday Night Tykes follows several youth football teams in a state known for producing top college football prospects, Texas. After watching three and a half seasons of it, I have a few thoughts. Now, I still have a […]

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IT & Sexual Agency

If you read my most recent post (thanks!) you know that I decided to go see IT, yesterday. If you haven’t read my post, you can read it here, but the point still remains that I went to see IT, yesterday. In the film, there are six teenagers that set out to end Pennywise (the […]

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The F Word

Today, we’re going to talk about the F word. Some may consider it a bit crass. I don’t. Some may find it offensive. I don’t. I think it’s a word that should be a part of everyone’s vocabulary. As a matter of fact, I think it should be taught in schools around the world. Some […]

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No M.O. 2020

After y’all (white women, I’m looking at you) managed to elect an unqualified orange man with cat whiskers for hair to the most powerful position in the U.S., Facebook pages dedicated to electing Michelle Obama in 2020 have spread like wildfire. In the beginning, I was more than open to M.O. running for president in […]

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